Our School's Safeguarding


Our School's Safeguarding

Crockerton Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children. We will fulfil our local and national responsibilities as laid out in the following key documents:

  • Working Together to Safeguard Children
  • Keeping Children Safe in Education 
  • The procedures for Safeguarding Vulnerable People Partnership (formerly WSCB) 
  • Information sharing - Advice for practitioners providing safeguarding services to children, young people, parents and carers (2018)
Staff and Governors have annual Safeguarding training and/or updates.
The Designated Safeguard Lead (DSL) is Nic Ilic - Head Teacher and her deputy is Kate Woodley - EYFS lead. Training is completed for this, including Online Safety training.
Regular training for Safer Recruitment, Prevent, First Aid, On-line Safety, County Lines and Road safety is available for all staff.
Safeguarding Newsletters
School Games Platinum 22/23
Healthy Schools 2020
Music Mark (Proud)