Collective Worship

At Crockerton C of E Primary School we believe that Collective Worship plays a very important role in the life of our school. Each day the school gathers for worship. As a Church of England school we base our worship on Christian teachings, values and traditions of the Christian Church. Collective Worship plays an important part in promoting the Christian ethos of the school. It is an opportunity to come together to reflect on the spiritual and moral aspects of school life.

Collective Worships:

During the week, we all meet every day for a Collective Worship. We currently have a whole School Worship on Monday, Tuesday and Friday  - Friday,  is our Spirit of Crockerton Celebration Worship.
Our Tuesday Worship is being led by Craig Bain, a curate from Christchurch in Warminster, St Peter and St Paul's Church is in the process of recruiting a new vicar, following Rev. Pauline's retirement. 
On Wednesday, we meet together in our House groups for House Worship. On Thursday, our Worship time is together with the Key Stages - Potters and Thatchers together and then KS2 classes, Weavers and Foresters.

Collective worship is used to encourage children to:

  • consider broader aspects of living within a local and global Christian Community, to recognise key events and stories from Christianity and the church calendar.
  • reflect on current experiences and themes that influence and impact on the children’s lives.
  • help children to develop respect and sensitivity to the beliefs and values of others.
  • acknowledge and reflect on children’s achievements and learning both in and out of school.
  • develop as responsible caring adults.

Our Church School Values

The Christian Values have been chosen by staff, pupils, governors and parents democratically. They are at the heart of everything we do and will be ‘found’ around the school. Our Values are Friendship, Compassion, Respect, Perseverance and Trust.

Worship may also include content from our PSHE curriculum which includes Our School Rules

Be Kind, Be Safe, Be Responsible

Through our Collective Worship we:

  • conduct worship in a dignified, sensitive and respectful way.
  • show the children that worship is a period of calm reflection
  • regard worship as a special time and expect children to behave in an appropriate way.
  • encourage everyone to be quiet, be thoughtful and to listen carefully.
  • encourage the children to contribute their ideas and thoughts
  • create an atmosphere by using music, lighting candles and using objects.

It is the responsibility of the Headteacher as Collective Worship co-ordinator to co-ordinate, research and resource the Acts of Worship. Such tasks may be delegated to the relevant staff as appropriate. The activities, stories and resources must be ‘real’ and relevant to the needs of the children and encourage active participation.

We encourage visitors and members of the wider community to enhance the children’s learning and develop in our children the skills of reflection, empathy to encourage and celebrate their talents and to promote the idea of community and a sense of belonging and well being for all our children.

Families have the right to withdraw a child from an Act of Worship and it is the class teacher’s responsibility to ensure that they are safely cared for and provided with an appropriate learning task.
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Music Mark 2024-25
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