Welcome to …..The Foresters
We are the year 5 and 6 children, taught by Miss Brown (Mondays and Tuesdays) and Mrs Rayner (Wednesday-Friday), who is supported by teaching assistants Mrs A and Mrs Young.
In the mornings, we start off with Maths and MOT time followed by English, leaving the afternoons free for History, Geography and the other subjects, which are usually linked to our topic. We will be using seasonal terms for our topics and using concept enquiry questions for our planning.
Foresters are given ‘POWer Projects’ to complete each term to extend learning outside of school. Power Projects will now come out just before half term, once the children have begun to develop their knowledge and skills in a new (two term) topic.
As we prepare for secondary school, it is vital that we continue with regular spelling, reading and maths skills – especially practicing our times tables still.
One of the best things about being a Year 6 is that we have our own Reception 'buddy' who we look out for, along with many other key responsibility roles!